Tuesday, November 6, 2012


My skipper decided to sign us up for a frostbite fleet.  The problem is, HE has a wetsuit to keep him toasty. I just have my bare bottom.  I didn't want to be there so I had  little fun with him.  First, I spit out my bailer ball.  There was really not wind, so water just kept filling the cockpit every time the bailer plug got kicked out.  Talk about getting cold feet!  I've been asking him to fix a slow leak all summer, and now it was time for payback.  The cold water made me open up enough to really let a whole lot of water in.  Skipper looked like a fool bailing me out between races, and when we got back to the beach, he had to drain about 2 gallons of water out of me! 

Back safe and warm under the covers

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